What is the true tone flash? - Apple Store (Australia) so when u first hit the camera button(to take the picture) the flash measures the light temperature. Once it detects the temperature it uses just the right color to ...
Rumored circular True Tone flash for 4.7" and 5.5" 'iPhone 6 ... 26 Aug 2014 ... Seemingly confirming ongoing rumors that Apple's next iPhone will feature a redesigned 'True Tone' flash unit, an electronics wholesaler on ...
Apple iPhone 6 True Tone Flash And Other Parts Leaked In Photos ... 27 Aug 2014 ... The spherical flash in the photos matches leaked images of iPhone 6 rear shells shown to feature a circular opening for the flash unit.
iPhone 6 True Tone Flash Module Leaked Image! The latest in the nonstop barrage of iPhone 6 leaks is the iPhone 6 True Tone flash module expected to be ...
iPhone 6 round 'True Tone' flash module leaked The rumored round ' True Tone' flash module has leaked, corroborating previous leaks iPhone Hacks | #1 iP ...
搭配True Tone閃光燈,iPhone 5S攝像頭解析 - 超能網 除了使用全球首款64位A7處理器和指紋識别系統之外, 蘋果還強調了 iPhone 5S使用了全新的攝像頭,我們分析一下這 ...
True Tone Flash Component For iPhone 6 Leaked [Rumor] | Ubergizmo With the iPhone 5s, not only did Apple introduce a 64-bit processor, a fingerprint sensor, but they also ...
iPhone 6 或用 True Tone 四顆 LED 圓形閃光燈 - iPhone - 香港矽谷 過去幾個月很多人對 iPhone 6 諜照最大的疑問之一,就是為什麼取消了 iPhone 5s 使用的 True Tone 雙 LED 閃光燈 ...
iPhone 5s Camera Improvements: Slo-Mo Mode, 'True Tone ... 2013年9月10日 - The iPhone 5s uses a "True Tone" dual-LED flash that supports two different cool white/warm amber color temperatures for improved white ...